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Enrolment 2024-2025


The commencement of the next academic year is the 14th of September. If you would like to register, please download the enrolment form and register online, all the details are in the Enrolment Form.

  • Our classes will start at 10 am on Saturday, and GCSE and A Level will begin at 9.30 am Saturday.
  • Our lessons will resume at our campus (St Mary and St Michael Primary School).


Download Enrolment Form for Cantonese class



Download Enrolment Form for Mandarin classes



Enrolment Procedure

1. Complete form in full;

2. Make the payment online by bank transfer;

3. Scan or take a photo of each page of the enrolment form and email it back to

Where possible, please provide a screenshot of the bank transfer;

4. Once the payment is processed, a confirmation email will be sent to you.

Please refer to the enrolment form for full details.

Please note:   To plan, deal with all aspects of administrative work and ensure a smooth start to the new academic year, we will no longer be enrolling students from 30 August 2024. Therefore, any existing and new students must complete enrolment by 30 August 2024.


2024/2025 學年於9月14日開課。請在 8月30日前在網上辦理註冊手續,詳情請仔細閱讀報名表。


請在此下載 廣東話班報名表


請在此下載 普通話班報名表



1. 填妥註冊表;

2. 通過銀行轉帳付款;

3. 把註冊表格的每一頁掃描或拍照,電郵註冊表到。如果可以請提供銀行轉帳的屏幕截圖 (screen shot);

4. 確認轉帳付款後 ,我們會向您發確認電郵件。


請注意: 為了安排新學年的工作,本校將在8月30日後不再接受新生或舊生註冊。因此, 無論新生或舊生必須在8月30日前辦理註冊手續。如有不便之處,懇請家長見諒!


2024/2025 学年于9月14日开课。请在8月30日前在网上办理注册手续,详情请仔细阅读报名表。


请在此下载 广东话班报名表


请在此下载 普通话班报名表



1. 填完注册表;

2. 通过银行转账付学费;

3. 把注冊表格的每一页扫描或拍照,电邮注册表到,并且请提供银行转账的屏幕截图 (screen shot);

4. 确认付学费後 ,我校会向您发确认电子邮件。


请注意: 为了安排新学年的工作,本校將在8月30日后不再接受新生或旧生注冊。因此, 无论任何学生必须在8月30日前办理注冊手续。如有不便之处,敬请家长见谅!

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